as you may be wondering why i spelled monkey munkey is because this is a munkey not a monkey!! the one problem is...he doesnt have an official here is the story: i made him out of jersey cloth and a pattern. i thougght he was gonna look super cool and cute! weeellllll i was right but he/she (it doesnt have a gender yet either :S) was cute but kind of retarded...and that is why i am currently calling it retarded munkey. i am trying to come up with a cool name but i cant so hopefully, one of you people out in thw world can help me with the name and gender!!! with this i am hoping to start a new blog (and keep this one aswell) about the travels of whenever you think of a good name just tell me because...i dont want him to be nameless...:( oohhh! one important detail...if you havent guessed he is kinda retarded looking because his tail is like 10 times the size of his yeah look at his tail in the pic...
on another note i will tell you about munkey: he lives in a world of total randomness which means my world because my world is total randomness...yayay!! here is a pic of his world...
pretty cool right?? wel...leave suggestions for a first, last, or middle name please!! thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI like retarded munkey though.
It could be like Firstname Lastname
Retarted Munkey.
Otherwise, I don't know. (:
Love, Malou
Merci!! I will take zzat very much into consideration!!! yay-ness!!!
(emphasis on the KO part!!)
search old fashioned names, like wellington or some past king of somewhere. im searching as i type, ill get back to ya
ReplyDeletelove ya long time
(im so gansta)
ReplyDeleteBenidict, Conrad,Clive, Cormac , DEWEY!, evander,felix, finn, im on a name sight, you can keep seachin, but if you pick one of these names it has to be really wierd. like Finn the Eleventh! ok that may just be me. You can name him something vute, im just strange :)
ReplyDeletenice names!!! ohhh the perfect end to a disasterous day!!! Merci becaucoup!!!
ReplyDeleteTon Amie...
I have the most perfect name ever: Cola. Cola is tail in Spanish, you said it had a huge tail right? I think it's a cool name!
ReplyDelete-Miss Mayhem
cool!! i like it!!! but what does that go with? Mybe Cola Wadsworth Henrington the V or something...maybe Louis? or I dont know...I think I will look on a name website! Thanks for all of your help!!
or...Dalton Wadsworth Henrington the V!!?? I just dont know...its not speaking to me....
theodore???? I think that that is a cute name but last name??? or even better DARWIN!!!!! yes!! that is it!!!!!! Darwin Henrington yes!! the eternal problem has been solved!!!