
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

mini zen garden!!! :)

this is really cool!!!!! a computer powered zen garden!!!!! it has like a little plug that you plug into your USB slot in your computer and then this water flows through it!!!! it is like just a totally random piece of coolness!!!! i would want to sit at my desk and just have this little bamboo waterfall next to me...i think that would be very soothing and ..... not to mention cool!!!!! and another positive can engage your inner zen while typing away at your computer!!! and as i say.... find your inner zen and then apply to the concept of life...not really but it sounds really cool!!! oohhh!!! here is a picture!
and here is a link to the video!!!


  1. That's awesome! I want one!
    Where can I get one? :))
    - Malou.

    here apparently but it is all in japanese :( it is all the way at the bottom!

  3. and all of the prices are in yen is about 16 euro's or so...if i could get it shipped from japan i totally would get one just to have it!!!!

  4. I want one too! I wish I lived in Japan...

    I have a little fake crab in water in my desk, and the little plastic tank it's in sits on a dock with a moving magnet inside. When you turn it on the magnet starts moving and it makes the magnet in the crab move! So you have a little fake crab moving in a little fake tank on your desk! That's what this reminds me resemblance at all!
    -Missy May

  5. the coolness factor is insane!!!

  6. i know right!! like off the coolness chart!! rate from 1-10....i would say about a 12 yayay for wierd but cool japanese stuff...


hi.... (awkward intro= done) i am often times referred to as a weasel.... and according to wikipedia... weasels are solitary creatures with not many friends, so if you would like to prove wikipedia wrong or make me at least think i have friends....comment below

yep... i think thats pretty much it!