The Aussie Award! as shown below....
As you can all see... this is an award... wow.. i know... and i know it is really stupid to make up awards cause there are about a million of them out there... but... this one is really special because i had a really rough couple of weeks at the beginning of the school year and my friend Lara was such a great friend and helped me get through it. i then gave her the substance award... but she had never gotten an award with a badge... so i thought i would make her two... but anyway... more focused on the mission attached with this award:
1. Give this award to someone who really deserves it! An awesome blog and blogger that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside when you read thier blog.
2. Re-vlog: you must vlog (video blog) about any topic the person who gave you the award says, you may change it after you get the award!! First re-vlog assignment, report to us your on your daily life...
3. Keep your blog awesome!!!
The No Rain No Rainbows Award!!:
So this award is for those who are kind, sympathetic, and above all optimistic.For those who see the good in every person. For this award, you must:
1. Give this award to as many bloggers as you wish who you believe really deserve this award.
2. Help someone turn a rainy day into a rainbow and blog about it.
3. (Optional but recommended) Volunteer time at an animal shelter, charity, or anything to help your community.
So... i know that this was not normal elephantastical-osity but.... now i must say... im going to beijing!!! so i sadly dont think i will be able to blog a whole lot in china but i will make a ginourmus blog post when i get back... dont worry friends... i will i promise.. we leave tomorrow morning early... but i will miss you my followers!!!
Love, Au revoirs, & awards,