
Saturday, October 2, 2010

i will flood myself with optimism

i think that i am gonna try to flood out my slight depression with optimism.... so here it goes:

today me and Fia decided to be adventurous and take public transport to avenue louise (a famous shopping street in brussels). It was quite interesting... we got to the bus stop all fine and dandy and then we waited....and waited.... and waited... for the bus. then one came... and there was a slash through the number and the sign said central we didnt get on. thes next one wasnt the bus that we needed so, the third bus came along... we are on the bus and we decide... to stay on a few stops cause it was a long way to the final destination.....we stay on for a few stops and the next stop is like 4 blocks away to the street we want to be on and then like 7 more blocks to get to the good shopping part of the street. we didnt want to get on the tram cause we werwnt sure where to get on... and so we walked for a really long time and we finally got there.... we did some shopping and then we got a snack... then going home was fun and smooth... we took the tram from where we were and to the bus stop and took the train back to Fia's house and it was all fun!!! what an adventure!!??

in conclusion (you think i've been writing a science lab??) when you are very sad and or depressed writing about one thing in that time period that made you forget your problem in extensive detail... it really does help!! as a fake therapist with no other training than receiving it from friends and living life... do it... it helps!


  1. Good for you emiko!!! oh, and i accidentaly missplaced my phone, so dont think im ignoring oyu, k?

  2. im not thinking that... i have a meeting wiht you know who today... moms idea :(

  3. Sounds like fun!
    I hope your meeting with I don't know who goes well! Miss you!


hi.... (awkward intro= done) i am often times referred to as a weasel.... and according to wikipedia... weasels are solitary creatures with not many friends, so if you would like to prove wikipedia wrong or make me at least think i have friends....comment below

yep... i think thats pretty much it!