
Monday, October 25, 2010

Kill 'em with kindness

i have just found out the best kind of revenge, even though it really isnt revenge. It is really to kill the person with kindness. these past few weeks have been really hard for me socially... now that i am re-reading thins, that sounds really dramaticall... but... it is true. but i cannot describe the entire situation because it might just take me i dont know, about 600 pages to do so. i can tell you that i have taken two things from this horrifying experience.  1. the best kind of revenge is when the other person feels regret. you must be so utterly kind to them until they regret hurting you and wishing you would take them back and then you must play the "I-just-want-to-be-friends" card.  2. middle school is like a giant game of poker...sometimes you have to bluff, but you have to remember to never show anyone your cards. i know its all mushy stuff... but its the truth. thanks for listening to me whine these past few weeks. the next blog post will be a happy one...i moose swear! (the utmost important swear.. EVEN above the pinky)

Love & Important Revelations about Life,


  1. I've been waiting for a optimistic post from you, but I am comforted in the fact that thy wait shall be thy short! I have utter confidence that you will be able to pull though, dont let me down mwahahahaha!!!! Ok that was just weird!

  2. hahaha niceee!!! and weird is cool... in my life at least!! optimistic post not about my life... HERE IT COMES!!!! i will do it!! <3 <3

  3. MOOSY SWEAR!!! Ahahah! And please feel better and be all upbeat again!!! :) <3 love you sooooo much!

  4. the moose swear only works with gib... sorryy... its just not funny


hi.... (awkward intro= done) i am often times referred to as a weasel.... and according to wikipedia... weasels are solitary creatures with not many friends, so if you would like to prove wikipedia wrong or make me at least think i have friends....comment below

yep... i think thats pretty much it!