
Saturday, February 5, 2011

ambivalence + stars

so... if you cant guess from my title, i am feeling ambivalent. so much change is surrounding me that i have changed my blog name twice in the last 24 hours, considered cutting off almost all of my hair, and considered making a new blog. so... whatever followers still read my blog... of which i think there is one... i am going to ask you! i know you are going to tell me 1. DONT CUT YOUR HAIR OFF!!! (oh and did i mention i might stop blogging?? that was an options too) so i guess the final question (its multiple choice so this should be easy)

What should i do??

a. delete this blog
b. start a new blog "The Polaroid Bear"
c. continue with my plan for this blog
d. both a & b
e. turn this blog into "the Polaroid Bear"
f. change this blog into the life of the human companion pony cause thats what i feel like
g. get a tumblr blog

so.... help me decide or not... eventually i am going to decide for myself

and whilst i am procrastinating so much, i am going to tell you why i am at war with myself about stars. i love stars and hate them. they are so damn pretty but every time i look at them and feel depressed because i am never going to be able to reach them. on the contrary when you are in the maze that we call life, its the only thing that guides you through. they are the same everywhere in the world. so theres the post


  1. HEY!!! So umm. yeah I already told you what you needed to know, so i just need your Tumblr URL. KK!!!

  2. I vote G. Because I have a private tumblr blog (which I may turn public) and tumblr is soooooooooooooooooooooo much better than blogger. By the way... DON'T CUT OFF YOUR HAIR!

  3. Both A and B! Don't quit blogging, just make a new start! I would stop blogging for a while and then I would create a new blog... :D

  4. haha your post a comment thing is cute.

    but yeah, i just found your blog today and this the polaroid thing is cute. i wish i still had a polaroid camera. they're so vintage and raw.


hi.... (awkward intro= done) i am often times referred to as a weasel.... and according to wikipedia... weasels are solitary creatures with not many friends, so if you would like to prove wikipedia wrong or make me at least think i have friends....comment below

yep... i think thats pretty much it!