
Friday, February 4, 2011

so its all new

i have to make this quick... but this is the new road, to a new me. one who now refuses to lapse in and out of slight depressive cycles... and attempt to make my blog a little more unique.. starting tomorrow. you will see why tomorrow.. it has to do with me not being able to find my cam. cord.... but yeahh... im exhausted so..

love & sweet dreams with triple ice creams!!!,



  1. Emi!!! I love the new blog look!!!! And i can't wait to see what is in store for tomorrow!!! And poop you, you got me all hungry... Now i have to sneak into my secret stash of invisible ice cream! Love you!

  2. haha :D that update will be possible if only homework would lift its strangling finger off of my throat... :(


hi.... (awkward intro= done) i am often times referred to as a weasel.... and according to wikipedia... weasels are solitary creatures with not many friends, so if you would like to prove wikipedia wrong or make me at least think i have friends....comment below

yep... i think thats pretty much it!